Monday, March 9, 2015

Regarding the new website

 I apologize for any confusion regarding the new website.  It was put in place without discussion or approval of the board, and I, not realizing that it required board approval, sent out the notice prematurely.  I apologize for any inconvenience that this causes and we hope to rectify the situation soon.  Please continue to use the email for any questions. 


Thursday, February 26, 2015

New website!!

Thanks to our new Board member, Divina Westerfield, we have a new website!  It's .
It has up to date information, contact information and other relevant and important items!

I will apologize with regards to my delinquency with this blog... I got out of the habit while in school and didn't get back into it.  Divina's website is far superior to blogspot, so all information will now be found there and I will be closing this site.  Thanks for your participation in it! 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sorry it has been so long!

Nearly 2 years!  Eek! I started working on my Bachelor's degree in Nursing and I have been so busy with work and school, that updating a blog was not high on my list of priorities.  I am still working on it, so this is going to be brief.

Things continue to progress here, our management company is doing a great job at managing the community and we continue to see great improvements on our property.  Using monies that are collected from foreclosed properties, we have gotten some much needed landscaping done and are renovating the clubhouse to be utilized as an exercise room.  We also have electronic locks on the clubhouse doors now, so if you have not come by to get fingerprinted for the locks, please make arrangements with Peyt to do so, as he usually is at the clubhouse on Fridays around 6ish, if people have made arrangements for interviews or fingerprinting.

I finally did take some pictures of the property, mostly the inner perimeter.  I have not gotten out to take some new ones of all the new landscaping, but I will eventually.  Hopefully a little sooner than 2 years.

Hope this is helpful and any and all comments are welcome.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bylaws Update.

Thanks to everyone who participated and sent in their votes!!! We had a final tally of 62 total votes. All items passed. If you would like a copy of the final tally, please email Sue at .

Now that the votes have been tallied, the bylaws must once again go to Legal to be finalized. The board will be having a workshop this week coming, to finalize the Rules and Regulations and then packet with the completely updated bylaws and the Rules and Regulations plus fine schedule will be sent out. For those who have computers, we are considering placing the bylaws on a CD, to cut down on paper costs. Stay tuned for further updates.

Now on to the property. You will have noticed that a landscaper was here recently to trim the trees on the inner perimeter of the property. They were badly in need of trimming and were quite extensively cut. While it may at first look drastic, many of the trees were in distress because of lack of maintenance in the past. With hurricane season upon us, it was imperative that we get these trees trimmed back from the roofs.

The trees on the outer perimeter also need trimmed, but that is not quite as urgent and will be coming some time later, cash flow permitting.

I have noticed that much of the planting on the property that was damaged during the cold snap this winter is starting to grow back in!!!

The work on the security cameras is coming along. It is taking some time, as in a effort to cut costs, George (our maintenance man), Peyt and Vito are trying to take care of most of the installation.

On a different note, I have added a link to a newspaper article about a new Florida law that comes in to effect on July 1, and is good news for Condo Associations all over the state.

This is good news for all of us who pay our fees and are tired of paying for the deadbeats that do not even try...

Thanks again for your patience!

Monday, May 24, 2010


The bylaws have gone through legal and are ready to send out... but the cost to send them to everyone through the mail is pretty huge. So we are going to send them out through email to as many owners as we can. If you have to have a printed copy, please let Dev know, but please keep in mind that it is an expense that we all bear. If you know of anyone who has not or does not want to give their email address to us, please forward them on the them.
Thanks for your patience and cooperation,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bylaws changes, coming soon!!!

Hi all,

Just a little update for you all...

The vote to change the Quorum was counted at the April 19th meeting, with the change being approved by a large majority of the votes. Thank you to everyone who voted, we were extremely pleased by the large number of votes that came in... it gives us and indication that people want to be involved!

The changes to the bylaws are being finalized. This will be a large packet to review, and will be costly to send out, so we would like to send out as many copies for review, electronically, as possible. If we do not have your email address, and you wish to recieve a copy of the proposed changes, electronically, please either contact the management company, or email myself, Trish at or Sue Shinka, our Secretary at

This will help us reduce cost and the amount of paper that we have to send out.

Please feel free to contact the board with any questions you might have with respect to the changes, we want everyone to make an informed decision and vote!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Brief Update for 2010

Hi all!
Thanks to all who attended the annual meeting last month, we appreciate your participation and comments.

The Board would like to extend a hearty thanks to Jamie Zinkhan, who chose not to run for the Board during the annual election... we really appreciate all the hard work that you did with the budget, among other things and wish you the best in 2010!

Both myself and Vito Amaral declared our intentions to run for the Board again and as there were no other intentions declared, we were both seated without the need for an election. As no one else declared their intentions, a Board seat remained open at the annual meeting. Cindy Brooks was nominated by the Board and accepted the position of Treasurer. Cindy was instrumental in the development of the 2010 budget, working closely with Jamie and Dev to get everything in order. Welcome Cindy!!!

I hope people are noticing the work that is taking place on the property... we are working hard to get the property looking nice within the constraints of the budget, to help increase our property values. Some planting has been done at the front entrance of the complex to increase "Curb Appeal". Many of the plants on the entire property took a beating during the cold snap, but we have been advised to leave them alone, most will come back.

There have been some questions regarding mulch on the property, with reference to the bylaws. Concerns have been raised that mulch was not permitted on site. After referencing the bylaws and maintainence documents, no such restriction can be found. Any concerns about mulch came from the previous Boards, and was in regard to UNTREATED mulch, which can spread or attract termites. We have consulted with both the landscaper and the pest control people and they have stated that TREATED mulch is fine on the property.

Work on the sprinkler system is ongoing, with some sections working and some sections not... please bear with us, it is a work in progress.

Overall, we feel that we have made some important progress and are optomistic about the upcoming year!!
